Why INA is the right investment partner
We are an advisor, a partner, an intermediary and an asset manager.

Unique Strengths
Deep understanding of investment opportunities in Indonesia

Knowledge of the local context, challenges, and pain points

Access to strategic and essential assets from infrastructure projects, SOE assets, as well as proprietary deal flows across sectors

Professionally managed
With top talent recruits from across Indonesia, who provide value creation in our investments and portfolio
Organizational and operational excellence on par with the world’s best practices
INA Board members bring deep expertise around investment, legal & regulatory issues, corporate governance, audit & risk management, with all of them having international exposures

Government support
Full support from the Indonesian President
Part of President Jokowi’s key efforts in accelerating Indonesia’s economic development
Unique sui generis entity key characteristics
Special tax treatment, ability to navigate and accelerate regulation and permit issuance, as well as strong legal status

Solid legal status
Superior legal framework and international standards of governance
INA has its own capital and will co-invest in all investments on the same terms as other investors

Upholding national and international environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards as the basis in our investing approach