Managing Investor Funds, Yayasan Kehati and Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) Seek Impactful Companies

More and more investors are making environmental and social impact a primary criterion for receiving funds, prompting investment management institutions like Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) and Yayasan Kehati to focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) aspects. Yayasan Kehati, through the establishment of the SRI-Kehati index in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) since 2009, aims to increase awareness and implementation of ESG among issuers to attract sustainable investment flows. "So what we are looking at is not only the sector or size, but also the impact," said the Chief Risk Officer of the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA). As a sovereign wealth fund, INA collaborates with major investors to inject capital into various sectors, including green energy and transformation, toll road and port infrastructure, as well as digital and healthcare infrastructure. Two key considerations in investments are measurable impact and return on investment.
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